Better Next Week by Olivia Wang


BNW003 - One size does not fit for all in time management

What’s the first noun that pops into your mind when you hear the word “time management”? For me, it’s the Pomodoro Technique.

The Pomodoro Technique encourages the user to work in intervals of 25 minutes with breaks between them. I tried this technique and its variations, and found it really hard to stick to.

I think the most important reason that this technique is not for me is because not all types of work can be divided into 25-minute blocks. Coding, for example, requires some time to get into the zone. When you are in the zone, it’s hard to notice the pass of time. When I used the Pomodoro Technique, I often find it somewhat distracting. I have to refocus every time I come back from the 5-minute breaks.

I want to manage my time not by regulating it, but by recording it. So I started using a time tracking app called “3×3” to track my time and see if I am spending my time as intended. This works better for me than an artificial regulation.

At the end of the day, time management has no one-size-fit-all solution. Everyone has to find the time management style that works the best for them.

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Reading A Pelican Introduction Economics: A User's Guide and Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Coronaviruses and Beyond.

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BNW003 - One size does not fit for all in time management